Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ten Tidbits on a Tuesday

1) We had a TON of leaves to rake up. Bennett was NOT much help, as he kept raking my piles apart. We spent many, many hours raking those leaves and I loved that time with my boy. 

2) I was never much of a Halloween fan, but that changed with Bennett. Is there anything cuter than kids in costumes? Not really... (He had wanted to be a firefighter for months, but just in the last week became adamant that he wanted to be a hunter *insert eye roll*). I forced him to wear his firefighter costume to preschool today. Maybe I can through a "hunter guy" costume together for actual trick-or-treating tonight...

3) Every time we pass by this field, Bennett asks, "Do you think that tree is lonely?" It really got me thinking. At first I told him I didn't know, but yesterday when he asked I replied, "I don't think it could be too lonely because it is surrounded by so much beauty to enjoy." 

4) I pin a lot of ideas on Pinterest, but probably execute less than 1% of those said ideas. However, I did have the boys spend the evening making a gratitude pumpkin with me. I LOVE that kind of stuff, but they were less than enthusiastic. 

5) I was able to make a couple cute little Halloween treats for Bennett's preschool class. It made me so, so happy to be able to do such a simple task. When I worked full-time as a teacher, there is no way I would have had the desire, time, or energy to spend an evening making homemade treats. I am thankful I have the opportunity to do things like this (at least for a year). 

5) When I worked at Barnes and Noble over ten years ago, I took home some empty tea tins. I thought they were too cute to throw away, but didn't have an idea of how to use them. So they have moved with me everywhere for over a decade, lifeless in a bag. I *finally* put them on display with little succulents last week. I am glad I held on to them for so many years, because they bring me joy as I wash dishes now. 

6) LOVE driving back into town after running errands. It really is starting to feel like home.

7) Bennett got a hair cut last week and he was less than impressed. Luckily, Danelle is patient and it turned out cute! When Bennett ain't happy, ain't nobody happy ;)

8) Throughout the month of October, I pulled over constantly taking pictures. The beauty of fall leaves me breathless. The colors are just too pretty to NOT photograph. Pretty much all the trees are bare now, and I am kind of dreading winter out here. Hopefully I will find beauty in the snow covered land, too. 

9) We recently did a mini-photo session with Christine Bakke. I loved the pictures she got and was blessed to meet such a nice lady who lives close. I am very interested in getting into photography, so I was asking her questions the whole time we were together. She is one of those people who inspires me, so I hope to pick her brain more in the near future!

10) I recently bought a new chair for an awkward little space in our living room. It is kind of embarrassing how much joy this little chair is bringing me. I am obsessed with all paisley and flower patterns, so this chair is perfect! 

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